3 Short Texts That INSTANTLY Get His Attention

Rosa Crawford
2 min readNov 22, 2023


In the world of texting, brevity is the name of the game. Did you know that the average text length is only seven words long? If you find yourself crafting virtual novels every time you text a guy, it might be time to refine your approach. In this article, we’ll explore three concise yet impactful texts that can grab his attention without coming across as overly attention-seeking. Let’s dive in.

Mistake 1: Avoiding the William Faulkner Syndrome

Texting is not the place for lengthy sentences. Unlike William Faulkner, who set a world record with a 1,288-word sentence, your texts should be short, poetic, and meaningful. Think of them as modern-day haikus — concise, impactful, and filled with substance.

Three Texts to Capture His Attention

Now, let’s explore three texts that are quick, attention-grabbing, and crafted to leave a lasting impression.

Text 1: “You are trouble.”

This flirty text communicates interest while injecting an element of mystery. By playfully suggesting he might be trouble, you create tension — expressing attraction yet leaving room for uncertainty. Reserve this text for a point in your interactions where a bit of tension adds to the excitement.

The text that every guy is dying to get (how-to video)

Text 2: “If you were only here now.”

This text sparks curiosity and imagination. It encourages him to wonder about your current activities and subtly hints at a potential connection if he were present. Perfect for those moments of romantic involvement, use it wisely to maintain a balance between playfulness and intimacy.

Text 3: “I have a confession.”

Begin with a suspenseful setup, prompting him to inquire. Let the anticipation build for a few minutes or even an hour before delivering the punchline: “I think you’re really sexy.” Alternatively, choose from variations like expressing a desire for his presence or sharing a tantalizing dream. These texts add a layer of romance and connection.


In the realm of texting, less can indeed be more. Short and meaningful texts have the power to capture his attention, spark curiosity, and build romantic tension. As you incorporate these concise messages into your communication, observe the positive responses they elicit. And remember, mastering the art of short and sweet texts can transform your love life.

If you’re looking to elevate your text messaging game and create lasting connections, Text Chemistry by Amy North is a valuable investment. The program not only equips you with the skills to send engaging texts but also empowers you to build meaningful and lasting relationships.



Rosa Crawford

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