7 Things Men Do When They’re Extremely Attracted to You

Rosa Crawford
3 min readNov 26, 2023


In the intricate dance of love, understanding the subtle signals a man sends when he’s falling head over heels is crucial. Recognizing these signs can be like deciphering a secret code, and as an expert in matters of the heart, I’m here to guide you through the labyrinth of male attraction.

The Irresistible Urge to Spend Time Together

When a man is captivated by a woman, one telltale sign is his intense desire to spend time alone with her. This longing for solitude is a common occurrence when emotions are running high. Many individuals have shared with me their experiences of being invited to a gentleman’s home early in the dating phase. While it may seem like a leap, it’s often a genuine attempt to deepen the connection.

To navigate this stage wisely, it’s advisable to pace the progression of the relationship, especially in the initial three to five dates. Opt for public outings to maintain a balance and avoid potential awkward situations.

Breaking the Touch Barrier

As emotions intensify, men find themselves compelled to breach the touch barrier. Subtle touches convey a powerful message of attraction without crossing any boundaries. Likewise, if you’re equally interested, reciprocating these gestures is a surefire way to signal your own affection.

The Mesmerizing Eye Contact

Eyes are the windows to the soul, and when a man is enamored, his gaze lingers. It’s not merely checking someone out; it’s an attempt to delve into the essence of the person. This prolonged eye contact is a silent conversation, a bridge that connects two souls in the journey of falling in love.

Learn the secret obsession that every man craves more than love, money, and sex

The Protector Instinct

Men, by nature, tend to be more protective, especially when they’re deeply attracted. Keeping a watchful eye on you in public may be a display of a healthy level of jealousy or a protective instinct. It’s essential to distinguish between genuine concern and controlling behavior.

Teasing and Playful Banter

A man in love often resorts to teasing and playful banter as a means of connection. This playful exchange is a nostalgic nod to the innocent days of the playground. However, it’s crucial to perceive the tone correctly; a well-executed tease can foster a delightful rapport, while misjudged attempts may lead to discomfort.

You can become his primary obsession by revealing your own needs and wants instead of trying to please him all of the time.

Self-Grooming Gestures

Observing a man frequently touching his face during a conversation may seem curious, but it’s a subconscious effort to present the best version of himself. This grooming behavior is an indicator of profound attraction, a non-verbal attempt to communicate his interest.

The Counterintuitive Withdrawal

Contrary to expectations, a man deeply attracted may display moments of withdrawal or shyness, especially if he’s less experienced or younger. This counterintuitive behavior is a testament to the overwhelming effect you have on him. Embrace these moments with patience and an open heart.


In the intricate tapestry of love, understanding the nuances of a man’s behavior is a valuable skill. These seven signs provide a glimpse into the mysterious world of male attraction. Remember, don’t overanalyze; let the journey of love unfold naturally. If he displays these signs and pursues you, it’s a beautiful affirmation of his genuine feelings.

If you’re interested in understanding the intricacies of the male mind in relationships, “His Secret Obsession” by James Bauer is a valuable resource. This guide, crafted for women seeking personalized advice, aims to empower individuals in their romantic endeavors. It provides insights on effective communication and captivating techniques to create a lasting connection.



Rosa Crawford

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