7 Things to Never Say to a Guy You Love

Rosa Crawford
3 min readNov 27, 2023


In the intricate realm of relationships, verbal communication plays a pivotal role. However, there are moments when words slip out, leaving us yearning for an undo button.

Recognizing the instances when we inadvertently say things we don’t mean is crucial. In this article, we’ll explore the seven phrases to avoid uttering to a man you love, unveiling the circumstances under which they tend to arise.

The ‘STD’ of Miscommunication

The acronym ‘STD’ takes on a different meaning here, representing the three circumstances when we are most prone to saying things we don’t mean: Starving, Tired, and Drunk. Under these conditions, our words can become unintentionally hurtful, making it essential to be mindful of our expressions.

Seven Phrases to Tread Lightly With

“I hate you”

In the heat of an argument, the temptation to utter these words may arise. However, it’s crucial to distinguish between hating someone’s behavior and hating the person. Expressing dislike for actions is healthier than making a sweeping statement of hatred.

“I’m dating other men”

Openness is valuable, but divulging details about dating others too early may not be conducive to a budding relationship. Instead, navigate this topic with tact, emphasizing the stage you’re at in your life without unnecessarily sharing every detail.

“I miss my ex”

Discussing past relationships, especially expressing a longing for an ex, can hinder the progress of a new connection. Focusing on the present and future is more conducive to building a meaningful connection.

Learn the secret obsession that every man craves more than love, money, and sex

“I’m more important than your friends”

Attempting to gauge your importance relative to others in his life is a risky endeavor. Every relationship requires space for personal connections and friendships. Respect his need for time with friends as you would desire your girl time.

“You should be more like [insert name]”

While constructive feedback is valuable, directly comparing him to others is counterproductive. It’s essential to offer feedback thoughtfully and sparingly, avoiding unnecessary comparisons.

“You’re a loser”

Name-calling and derogatory language have no place in a healthy relationship. Resorting to such terms, except in extreme circumstances, is detrimental and counterproductive.

You can become his primary obsession by revealing your own needs and wants instead of trying to please him all of the time.

“You can’t spend time with [insert name]”

Imposing restrictions on his social interactions can be perceived as a boundary violation. Healthy relationships thrive on trust and respect for individual autonomy. It’s crucial to communicate openly about concerns rather than imposing limitations.


Effective communication is the cornerstone of any successful relationship. Steering clear of these seven phrases can contribute to a healthier and more harmonious connection.

Remember, the key is to approach conversations with empathy, understanding, and a commitment to building a strong foundation for love to flourish.

If you’re interested in understanding the intricacies of the male mind in relationships, “His Secret Obsession” by James Bauer is a valuable resource. This guide, crafted for women seeking personalized advice, aims to empower individuals in their romantic endeavors. It provides insights on effective communication and captivating techniques to create a lasting connection.



Rosa Crawford

Fueling positive change through wellness | Guiding personal growth journeys | Illuminating the path to a healthier, fulfilled life.