7 Weird Things Women Don’t Know About Men

Rosa Crawford
3 min readNov 23, 2023


Contrary to popular belief, men and women are inherently different. While this might seem obvious, the disparities become particularly evident when shifting focus from coaching men to coaching women in the world of love. I’ve identified some common misconceptions that women often have about men.

In this article, we’ll delve into seven intriguing insights that women may not be aware of when it comes to understanding men better.

1. Men Don’t Necessarily Date Looking for Love

One significant revelation is that men typically don’t approach dating with the primary goal of finding love. Unlike women who often express a desire for a committed, exclusive relationship, men tend to adopt a more exploratory approach. They aim to meet incredible people and see where the journey takes them. Understanding this distinction can empower women to navigate the dating landscape with a more open mindset.

2. Men Are Often More Romantic

Contrary to stereotypes, studies indicate that men are just as, if not more, romantic than women. The Romantic Belief Scale suggests that men score higher in emphasizing passion in relationships. Personal anecdotes from Dr. Gary Lewandowski underscore this point, highlighting that men can be the unabashed romantics in their marriages.

3. Men Are More Likely to Cheat, Especially as They Age

Surprisingly, studies show that men are more prone to infidelity than women, with the gap widening as individuals age. While young women may exhibit a slight edge in cheating statistics, men in their 60s and 70s are considerably more likely to engage in infidelity.

4. Fear of Rejection Is Men’s Greatest Dread

Men harbor an intense fear of rejection, often ranking it higher than any other apprehension. The fear of approaching a woman and facing rejection is so profound that many men express a preference for public speaking over potential romantic rejection. Recognizing this fear can foster empathy when interacting with men in social settings.

Learn the secret obsession that every man craves more than love, money, and sex

5. Men Are Less Picky in Online Dating

Studies reveal that men tend to be less selective than women in the world of online dating. Men swipe right on a significantly higher percentage of women compared to women’s selectiveness. Acknowledging this dynamic can encourage women to broaden their horizons and consider profiles beyond the top echelon.

6. Financial Stability Affects Men’s Commitment

Men find it challenging to commit to a relationship if they are not financially secure. Despite societal strides toward gender equality, men are often hardwired to associate commitment with their ability to provide. Women may encounter difficulties in sustaining relationships with men facing financial instability or job transitions.

7. Men Face Uncertainty in Making the First Move

In the era of heightened awareness around sexual harassment, men grapple with uncertainty regarding making the first move. The focus on consent and respectful interactions can leave men unsure about when and how to initiate physical or romantic gestures. This dilemma often creates a gap in communication between men and women.

Understanding these seven surprising truths about men can provide valuable insights for women navigating the complexities of relationships. By acknowledging these nuances, women can approach interactions with men with increased empathy, fostering more meaningful connections.

If you’re interested in understanding the intricacies of the male mind in relationships, “His Secret Obsession” by James Bauer is a valuable resource. This guide, crafted for women seeking personalized advice, aims to empower individuals in their romantic endeavors. It provides insights on effective communication and captivating techniques to create a lasting connection.



Rosa Crawford

Fueling positive change through wellness | Guiding personal growth journeys | Illuminating the path to a healthier, fulfilled life.