Should I Text Him First? 4 Rules of When to Text Him (And When to Wait)

Rosa Crawford
2 min readNov 17, 2023


In a recent study conducted by a prominent dating app, an intriguing statistic emerged: one out of three successful heterosexual couples traced their origins to the woman initiating the conversation. This raises a compelling question — should women take the lead in starting a connection? If you’ve ever pondered over whether to send that first text or when to hold back, this article is tailor-made for you.

Scenario 1: Meeting Someone at a Party

Picture this: you meet a charming guy at a party, exchange numbers, and the chemistry is palpable. The question arises — should you text him first? My perspective may seem a tad traditional, but I would suggest letting him take the initiative. Some might argue, “What if he never texts?” My response is simple: if he doesn’t reach out, there might not have been genuine interest. Your phone number is in his possession, and if he were keen, he would have texted. By allowing him to make the first move, you’re giving him the opportunity to invest emotionally, a crucial aspect of initial interactions.

Scenario 2: Connection at the Workplace

Now, let’s shift to the workplace. You’ve connected with a colleague at a group gathering, and there’s a spark. Should you add him as a friend on Facebook? I say, why not? Assuming your workplace allows dating among colleagues, adding him on Facebook provides a platform for interaction beyond office emails. It’s a subtle yet effective way to express interest and reveal facets of yourself that may not be apparent in a professional setting.

The text that every guy is dying to get (how-to video)

Scenario 3: Post-Date Etiquette

Fast forward to scenario three. He took you on a date, made the plans, and even footed the bill. Should you text him first after the date? Absolutely! Express your gratitude for the wonderful evening, conveying your interest in seeing him again. A simple thank-you text goes a long way in showing appreciation and maintaining a reciprocal level of interest.

Scenario 4: The Morning After

Lastly, let’s address the scenario of intimacy. If you had a memorable night, should you text him the next morning? Without a doubt! If the experience was positive, sending a text expressing your enjoyment and anticipation of a repeat encounter is not only acceptable but appreciated.

In these scenarios, there’s no rigid rule; it boils down to navigating the early stages of dating at a pace comfortable for both parties.

If you’re looking to elevate your text messaging game and create lasting connections, Text Chemistry by Amy North is a valuable investment. The program not only equips you with the skills to send engaging texts but also empowers you to build meaningful and lasting relationships.



Rosa Crawford

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